Here we are...

...a group of Baby Boomers of sundry religious,
political and cultural orientations, who have been
meeting at the Voorheesville Public Library since 1991
to read and discuss each other's poems.

We include old fathers and young grandmothers,
artists and musicians, and run-of-the-mill eccentrics.
Writers are welcome to stop in and stay if they like us.

Some of Us

Some of Us
Dennis Sullivan, Beverly Osborne, Tom Corrado, Edie Abrams, Art Willis, Alan Casline (all seated); Paul Amidon, Mike Burke, Tim Verhaegen, Mark O'Brien, Barbara Vink, Philomena Moriarty

Friday, September 7, 2007

Construction Going On

Okay, I am doing a little work on the layout, at the prompting of the critical Mr. Corrado. I have not figured out how to resize photos, obviously. Maybe the kindhearted Mr. O'Brien will come to my rescue. I am trying to link to the pdf of our book so it may be read through the blog site.

Also, a NEW feature enables us to have fun and games like the poll now appearing. This one is rather simpleminded as I was in a hurry to practice the polling gizmo, but it also serves as a promotion for Alan's newest publication of Normanskill. It is a really nice work. He is a talented guy.

Speaking of talent, did you all get Tom's mail about his latest work on display at the Upstate Artists Guild? The opening reception is tonight. He is getting well-deserved acclaim for his "orbs" and "orbits" which I love (altho I am still distraught that he destroyed a green and purple one that was my favorite).

Dan Lawlor will be in Denver for the next meeting and Mimi will also be away, but I think Burke is Back and am expecting to see some faces who have been missing over the summer. I saw Cathy and Dennis and Joyce at the peace rally in the village on Tuesday. We were taking off our clothes and throwing ourselves under the wheels of motorcycles to protest the war.

BTW, Lifelines will begin meeting again on September 20 also with some new faces to give the group a little of infusion of life (sorry, couldn't help it). I am going to try again to attend, as I have been writing prose on my blog at home. I find it very difficult to get back to the library at night however after having been here all day. I love the library, but I don't want it to consume my life.

Take the poll so I see how it works.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9/07/2007

    Barbara - I'm back from Virginia and plan to be there on Thursday. I will also try to make the pace rally.
